Description of the metaphor of God’s offer of salvation as like a handshake
List of Bible verses with commentary relating to the occurrence of the phrase ‘one another’
There is only one sin and only one command
The Unforgivable sin
‘Sex of the heart’ – A metaphor for Christian relationships outlined
God’s will and Sovereignty
An analysis of the benefits of group and one to one fellowship
Christian problem-solving and dealing with suffering
Never under-estimate the man by the road side
The Quiet Time
Pastoral Care
Dealing with Disputes
Bible verses relating to phrase ‘one another’
/508 Comments/in Main Body, Memorable verses, Holy Spirit, trust, peace /by Nigel BirdThe Arsenal of Grace

- 10th anniversary, 'Nigelisms', Theological Questions, (7)
- All Souls. Langham Place (13)
- Book Quotes and John Stott (11)
- Christianity, church unity, and Grace (10)
- Inerrancy/infallibility, atonement, prophesies, visions (4)
- Introduction and Contents (11)
- Later additions from 2005 onwards (12)
- Letters, and father/grandfather (13)
- Main Body (16)
- Male-Female Interaction, Bridge and Arsenal (28)
- Memorable verses, Holy Spirit, trust, peace (9)
- Psychiatry (8)
- Uncategorized (1)
Recent Posts
- 10th anniversary, 'Nigelisms', Theological Questions, (7)
- All Souls. Langham Place (13)
- Book Quotes and John Stott (11)
- Christianity, church unity, and Grace (10)
- Inerrancy/infallibility, atonement, prophesies, visions (4)
- Introduction and Contents (11)
- Later additions from 2005 onwards (12)
- Letters, and father/grandfather (13)
- Main Body (16)
- Male-Female Interaction, Bridge and Arsenal (28)
- Memorable verses, Holy Spirit, trust, peace (9)
- Psychiatry (8)
- Uncategorized (1)
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