Letter to the Queen
Letter to George Carey
Two Letters to John Stott
My father’s review of an Alpha course
My father’s review of a series of Lent talks
My response to my father’s letter
My paternal grandfather, – writings, beliefs
My letter to my family on 10th anniversary
My letter to a neighbour on her confirmation
Two letters I sent to All Souls missionaries in 1995 and 1996
A letter in the high IQ mensa magazine and my response
A letter concerning my attendance at Peniel College
My father’s review of a series of talks in Lent
/34 Comments/in Letters, and father/grandfather /by Nigel BirdA letter to a neighbour upon her confirmation
/17 Comments/in Letters, and father/grandfather /by Nigel BirdArticle in Mensa magazine suggesting high IQ leads to unbelief
/1,062 Comments/in Letters, and father/grandfather /by Nigel BirdMy reply to article suggesting high IQ leads to unbelief
/18 Comments/in Letters, and father/grandfather /by Nigel BirdLetters written by my father, Roger Bird
/20 Comments/in Letters, and father/grandfather /by Nigel BirdMy letter to All Souls missionaries 1994-95
/614 Comments/in All Souls. Langham Place, Letters, and father/grandfather /by Nigel BirdMy letter to All Souls missionaries 1995-96
/626 Comments/in All Souls. Langham Place, Letters, and father/grandfather /by Nigel BirdThe Arsenal of Grace

- 10th anniversary, 'Nigelisms', Theological Questions, (7)
- All Souls. Langham Place (13)
- Book Quotes and John Stott (11)
- Christianity, church unity, and Grace (10)
- Inerrancy/infallibility, atonement, prophesies, visions (4)
- Introduction and Contents (11)
- Later additions from 2005 onwards (12)
- Letters, and father/grandfather (13)
- Main Body (16)
- Male-Female Interaction, Bridge and Arsenal (28)
- Memorable verses, Holy Spirit, trust, peace (9)
- Psychiatry (8)
- Uncategorized (1)
Recent Posts
- 10th anniversary, 'Nigelisms', Theological Questions, (7)
- All Souls. Langham Place (13)
- Book Quotes and John Stott (11)
- Christianity, church unity, and Grace (10)
- Inerrancy/infallibility, atonement, prophesies, visions (4)
- Introduction and Contents (11)
- Later additions from 2005 onwards (12)
- Letters, and father/grandfather (13)
- Main Body (16)
- Male-Female Interaction, Bridge and Arsenal (28)
- Memorable verses, Holy Spirit, trust, peace (9)
- Psychiatry (8)
- Uncategorized (1)
Contact Nigel
Please email me at nigel@nigelbird.com or use the contact form. Thanks!